Length of Service Awards Program (LOSAP)
A length of service awards program, also known as a LOSAP or LOSA, is intended to assist Emergency Service Organizations (ESO’s) recruit, retain and reward volunteers. The typical plan design offers financial rewards for volunteers based on their longevity of their service to the community.
LOSAP Design:
The sponsoring ESO determines what type of LOSAP meets its objectives while accommodating budgetary constraints. The two most common types of LOSAP are:
- Defined Benefit – the sponsoring ESO predefines the monetary reward per year of service that the volunteer will receive monthly at entitlement age.
- Defined Contribution – the sponsoring ESO predefines the monetary contribution to the volunteer’s account per year of service. At entitlement age, the account balance is awarded to the volunteer as a lump sum.
Coverage Highlights:
- LOSAPs pay benefits when a volunteer reaches “retirement age,” becomes disabled or dies
- Monthly income payable during retirement years
- Paid for lifetime, but no less than 10 years
- Disability benefit is paid in a lump sum
- Death benefit
- 24-hour coverage, on- and off-duty